Description All organizations are required to protect employees, and other stakeholders, from harm. Realistically, not all hazards and risks are equal, challenging the modern engineering professional to focus more resources […]
Linear Schedule and Distance-Based Planning Methodologies Description This webinar will focus on using the Linear Scheduling Method (LSM) & Distance-Based Planning during the engineering and construction management phases of projects. […]
A Tale of Two Bridges | Tappan Zee Hudson River Crossing The Old Tappan Zee Bridge (Governor Malcolm Wilson–Tappan Zee Bridge) crossed the Hudson River at one of its widest […]
Legislation that Can Impact the Engineering Community Join the Lehigh Valley Chapter for an opportunity to get an up-to-the-minute report on state legislative issues impacting your profession and to ask questions […]
The many "New" Discretionary Grant Programs that are part of BIL will also be highlighted, as these will provide the potential for additional funding and opportunities in Pennsylvania.
Professional License | Initiation, Evaluation, and Processing of Complaints and Actions Description | An overview of the initiation, evaluation, and processing of professional licensure complaints and actions. Attendees will learn: […]
Plumsteadville Inn
5902 Easton Rd., Pipersville, United States
Clinch Fasteners, Use and Design Considerations PDH | 1* Mr. Maloney has been designing custom clinching fasteners for the past 18 years for consumer electronic devices. This presentation will provide […]
How State Government is Supporting More Electric Vehicles in Pennsylvania Description | Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming more prevalent on Pennsylvania roads. Executive commitments have been made at the state […]
Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking) Description | This course introduces the history, basic science, and equipment used in hydraulic fracking. The Marcellus and other key shale gas formations in Pennsylvania will be […]
Tools to Ensure Effective Litigation Preparation and Testimony as an Engineering Professional Description | Engineering in the forensic realm can involve many roles. The vast majority of testimony by engineers […]