Risk Assessment 101: Building Blocks for Risk-Based Decision Making


Description All organizations are required to protect employees, and other stakeholders, from harm. Realistically, not all hazards and risks are equal, challenging the modern engineering professional to focus more resources […]

Linear Schedule and Distance Based Planning Methodologies

Linear Schedule and Distance-Based Planning Methodologies Description This webinar will focus on using the Linear Scheduling Method (LSM) & Distance-Based Planning during the engineering and construction management phases of projects. […]

Webinar | PSPE Lehigh Valley Chapter


Legislation that Can Impact the Engineering Community Join the Lehigh Valley Chapter for an opportunity to get an up-to-the-minute report on state legislative issues impacting your profession and to ask questions […]

Webinar | Bi-Partisan Infrastructure Law (BIL)


The many "New" Discretionary Grant Programs that are part of BIL will also be highlighted, as these will provide the potential for additional funding and opportunities in Pennsylvania.

Webinar | Professional License – Complaints and Actions

Professional License | Initiation, Evaluation, and Processing of Complaints and Actions Description | An overview of the initiation, evaluation, and processing of professional licensure complaints and actions. Attendees will learn: […]

In Person Event | Clinch Fasteners, Use and Design Considerations

Plumsteadville Inn 5902 Easton Rd., Pipersville, United States

Clinch Fasteners, Use and Design Considerations PDH | 1* Mr. Maloney has been designing custom clinching fasteners for the past 18 years for consumer electronic devices. This presentation will provide […]

Webinar | Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking)


Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking) Description | This course introduces the history, basic science, and equipment used in hydraulic fracking.  The Marcellus and other key shale gas formations in Pennsylvania will be […]

Effective Litigation Preparation and Testimony


Tools to Ensure Effective Litigation Preparation and Testimony as an Engineering Professional Description | Engineering in the forensic realm can involve many roles. The vast majority of testimony by engineers […]

Sustaining Associates

PSPE would like to thank our Sustaining Associates for their support: