Title: Green Buildings Can Waste Energy Efficiently Presenter: Larry Spielvogel, PE | Consulting Engineer Schedule Registration / networking: 5:00 PM to 5:30 PM Course: 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM (1.5PDH) Location: Pennoni Associates | 1900 Market St, Suite 300 | Philadelphia, PA 19103 Description Larry spent 19 years as a member and chaired the ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1 Committee, […]
Tuesday, September 21 Coffee Chat: Leadership Historic Southern Market - Reviving the Past and Building Community (1 PDH) Order of the Engineer Ring Ceremony Florida International University Pedestrian Bridge Failure, A Study in Ethics (2 PDH) Roundtable Chat with Tuesday's Speakers Wednesday, September 22 Coffee Chat: Remote Work and Engineering Teams: What's Next? Sustainability and […]
Tuesday, September 14 Coffee Chat: PSPE Chapter Task Force Update Definitions | You say you are sustainable – But how do you prove it? (1 PDH) Panel Discussion | Air, Water, Soil and Sustainability (1 PDH) Ethics and the Collapse of the I-35W Bridge (1 PDH) Roundtable Chat with Tuesday's Speakers Wednesday, September 15 Coffee […]
Get ready to join your professional colleagues for three days of learning and networking at NSPE's Virtual Professional Engineers Conference, August 3-5. It's the conference for professional engineers - reimagined. Enjoy access to: Live and on-demand sessions to meet your schedule, including 14 unique and insightful PDH sessions, Collaboration with your professional engineers and other experts from […]
Part 1 Triple Bottom Line | Planet, People, and Profit Presenter | Lisa Peterson, PhD, PE | Aftan Engineering Part 1 will address the topic of sustainability as noted in the NSPE code of ethics professional obligations, including planet, people and profit or the triple bottom line. The Life Cycle Assessment methodology will be explained […]
In the last 50 years, almost every major city across the country has been affected by a blackout. The most recent major blackout happened in February 2021. Texas suffered a major power crisis, which came about because of severe winter storms sweeping across the United States. More than 4.5 million homes and businesses were left […]
Stan will present his research on technology and policy trends related to automated vehicles. Vehicle automation is just one of many technologies disrupting the transportation sector, including vehicle connectivity, electrification and shared use, which are evolving on separate but converging paths and enabled by rapid advances in information and communications technology. Course Objectives This webinar […]
Please Join NSPE for the new Volunteer Leader Development Program - Road to the Summit. All sessions will be recorded and will be available in the NSPE Leadership Toolbox. NSPE is providing the webinars to help train its volunteer leaders and strengthen the connections between National, State, and Local chapters. Webinars are held the 3rd […]
In June 2013, a building being demolished in the 2100 block of Market Street in Philadelphia collapsed onto the Salvation Army building. As a result of this catastrophe, six people died, one person committed suicide, and 14 people were injured. Questions regarding the responsibility of the design professionals, developer of the collapsed building, Salvation Army, […]
Participants will examine the definition of ethical competence, tools to achieve competence in new areas, unethical attempts to pretend competence, and examples of challenges to competence. Learning Objectives Identify pertinent guidance from Canon II of the NSPE Code of Ethics for engineers. Demonstrate ethical problem-solving skills for representative engineering competence challenges. Provide concrete, real-world examples […]