Eric W. Tappert, PE
PSPE Communications Committee Chair
Well, the contest is over and we have a new PiO logo! Associated with this event are both the good and the bad. First the bad…There was only one anonymous entry and was e-mailed to me through an anonymous re-mailer, so the identity of the creative source is forever unknown. That brings back a memory of the an old Pete Seeger song (may he rest in peace…) – “Where have all the flowers gone?”. Just substitute creativity for flowers. Of course another explanation, just as depressing, could be that nobody was paying attention.
The good news is that the judges did not even have to meet and our treasurer won’t have to cut that $10,000 prize check. The really good news is that now we have a reminder to pass on the valuable contents of the PE Reporter to our friends, associates, colleagues and potential members. Our hero is shown above and wherever he appears you should take action and “Pass It On”.