HB 2101 Still Waiting for Final Senate Vote Although the hoped-for final vote in the Senate did not take place, the bill has been moved to third and final reading […]
Summary of Legislation | September 2020
HB 2101 on Track for Final Senate Vote The long, windy road to an updated Registration Act may finally be ending. The Senate Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure Committee reported […]
Summary of Legislation | August 2020
Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee Advances Bills to Limit RGGI The committee met on September 3 to consider five bills. The first bill of interest to the construction industry […]
Summary of Legislation | July 2020
House Transportation Committee Looks at Personal Delivery Drone Legislation The committee held a public hearing July 21 on SB 1199 and HB 2699, which authorize “Highly Automated Vehicles” also known as […]
Summary of Legislation | June 2020
HB 2101 Passes House Unanimously, Geo Board Re-established After more than a year and a half of intense negotiations with various interested parties, HB 2101, which updates the Engineer, Land […]
Summary of Legislation | May 2020
Partial State Budget Done a Month Early, HB 2101 Moved to Final Vote in House Facing unpredictable revenues due to the down economy and delaying the due date for state […]
Summary of Legislation | April 2020
HB 2101 May Be Voted in May As the Coronavirus pandemic response has dominated the legislative agenda and changed how bills are voted on that past two months, indications are […]
Summary of Legislation | March 2020
Coronavirus Mitigation Takes Hold in the State As virtually everyone must know by now, the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has invaded our state, and our nation. The state and federal governments […]
Protected: Summary of Legislation | February 2020
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Protected: Summary of Legislation | January 2020
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.