Introducing PiO! (Attach routing slip here…)
We now have a reminder to pass on the valuable contents of the PE Reporter to friends, associates, colleagues and potential members.
President’s Message
Differentiating NSPE from the technical societies
Pennsylvania MATHCOUNTS® Team Places 5th in the Nation
Harve D. Hnatiuk, P.E., F.NSPE to be Installed as NSPE President 2014-2015
Harve D. Hnatiuk, P.E., F.NSPE will be installed as the 2014-15 President of the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) on Saturday, July 5, 2014, at the NSPE Annual Meeting.
Barry E. Isett Receives NSPE Distinguished Service Award
Barry E. Isett, PE, PLS, F.NSPE, chairman and founder of the regional engineering firm that bears his name, has received the 2014 Distinguished Service Award accorded by the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE). The award is presented annually to a licensed member of the organization in recognition of exceptional contributions to the Engineering Profession, to one’s community, and specifically to NSPE.
PSPE Opposes Licensing of Soil Scientists
The House Professional Licensure committee held a public hearing on House Bill 997, which would create a professional license for soil scientists under the State Registration Board for Professional Engineers. The Pennsylvania Society of Professional Engineers submitted written testimony opposing the legislation.
Risky Business – Respect Your Elders . . .Mistakes
Yes, celebrations of successes are wonderful. However, analysis of less-than-unmitigated-successes is even more useful.
Siegrist’s Mill Covered Bridge
Siegrist’s Mill Covered Bridge restoration project wins Outstanding Context Sensitive Solution Bridge Design Award. The award recognizes projects that exemplify superb technical merit, constructability, innovation and aesthetics.
Geriatric Care = Project Management
From mid-2011 to early 2013, I found myself hopping on a plane from Philadelphia to Kansas City, about one weekend per month, to visit my parents and oversee their care.