Edward L. Rogers laid the groundwork for the formation of Lincoln Chapter in early 1946, while he was Chairman of the Susquehanna Section of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Due to the considerable interest of ASME members in the new professional engineering law, Rogers invited Leroy F. Christman, President of the Pennsylvania Society of Professional Engineers, to address ASME members and their guests, at their April 29th, 1946 meeting held at the Stevens House in Lancaster. Christman's subject: Pennsylvania's New Professional Engineering Law
So much interest was generated at this meeting, among both registered and unregistered engineers, that the time seemed ripe for the formation of a local PSPE Chapter. Some registrants in the area had already joined existing PSPE Chapters in Harrisburg and Reading. Within the next few weeks an invitation was sent out by the PSPE office in Harrisburg to all registered engineers of record in the Franklin, Adams, York, and Lancaster County area to attend a dinner meeting May 27th, 1946 at the West York Inn, for the express purpose of forming a new PSPE Chapter.
Speakers at this meeting were: Richie Lawrie, Jr., President of the National Society of Professional Engineers; Leroy F. Christman, President of the Pennsylvania Society of Professional Engineers; and Guy R. Johnson, President of the Harrisburg Chapter PSPE. At the close of the meeting, about thirty engineers in the area signed up as future members of a new four-county Chapter.
The next month this new group met at the Brunswick Hotel in Lancaster, with Leroy Christman presiding. Officers were elected as follows: Thomas A. Monk, President; Henry C. Kern, Vice-President; Robert S. Mayo, Treasurer; Kenneth E. Rockhold, Secretarty; and Eugene Fickes, Jacob Mueller, James Towers, Henry Huth, J. h. Shertzer, and Joseph Michaels as Directors; Frank Shaw, State Director.
July 28th, 1946 the First Board of Directors Meeting was held at the cottage of Bob Mayo in the Long Level area. Working Committees were named for the coming year. Two names were proposed for the Chapter—"South Penn" and "Lincoln", the latter due to the fact that the historic Lincoln Highway passed through all four of the counties to be served by the new Chapter.
At the regular meeting, held September 24, 1946, the membership voted 14 to 13 to use the name "Lincoln Chapter". The membership also voted to close the Charter as of October 1, 1946. A By-Laws Committee, headed by Frank Shaw, was also selected, which subsequently prepared and distributed the First Chapter By-Laws, as of November 27, 1946.