Change and adaptation have been key elements of the past few years, and they will be focuses of the Lincoln Chapter of PSPE moving forward. As we begin our 2022-2023 year at the Lincoln Chapter of PSPE, I believe it is important to set some realistic goals for our membership and leadership.
The Leadership Team for the Lincoln Chapter will have three main focuses over the next year, among our other responsibilities and charges.
There will be an increased focus on membership meetings that provide worthwhile programming topics, tours, and the opportunity for professional fellowship and networking. We will do our best to provide advanced communication about upcoming happenings and topics of interest. To that end. you will find a “Calendar at a Glance” including within our email newsletter.
Although I am not a Notre Dame fan (Go Bearcats !!!), Lou Holtz has a great quote: “You’re either growing or you’re dying, so get in motion and grow.” We as a Chapter and Organization need to be growing. I am going to challenge every board member, every member, and every engineering company in the three counties that we serve to bring someone new to a meeting or event. We are going to reach out to Professional Engineers via traditional mail, email, and social media to let them know who we are and what we can offer as an organization.
One of the pillars of NSPE\PSPE is the protection of and advocacy for professional licensure; it should too be a focus of our Chapter. To that end, PSPE leadership will have engagement opportunities with college engineering majors to discuss professional licensure at multiple Universities. Continuing to building these relationships with universities and keeping younger engineering students engaged in the profession and interested in licensure assures our future success.
We as a leadership team look forward to serving our membership during this upcoming year.